What’s the best age to teach my kids to ski or snowboard? This is easily the most common question parents ask us. The answer isn’t so easy, though. There are so many variables. A lot depends on you as a parent, your kids’ natural propensity for sliding on snow, where you live, how often you ski, etc., etc. There is no one-size fits all answer. However, there are some general things you can expect from kids two to five.

Join us as we extrapolate on the highlights, challenges, and general expectations one should have when teaching young kids to ski.

Please note: We understand children’s abilities can range drastically, so this guide is not foolproof. You know your child and their abilities better than anyone else and are the best judge of what is safe and good for them.

Mommy and me snowboard lessons
Ollie tries snowboarding at Smuggs, with a “Mommy and Me” lesson at age two.

The Two-Year-Old (And Under)

Now we’ve all seen that ridiculously cute video of a 2-year-old ripping it in the trees and powder. While we might aspire to raise kids of the same ski caliber, it’s not the most realistic expectation in the world.

What to expect: Does carrying a limp noodle down the bunny slope while bending over awkwardly sound like fun to you? Most two-year-olds on the mountain are just learning how to stand and scootch around on the snow. Maybe you’re holding them up with a harness or hula hoop, or just your bare hands as you get them used to sliding on snow with the help of gravity. As they get their bearings and spend a little more time on the hill, they might pick up some wedging skills and a taste for the thrill of downhill. That said, there is a lot of picking up and carrying at this age and time on the slopes in brief.  Bonus, though, if you start when they are in diapers, you don’t need to worry about accidents on the way up the magic carpet.

Who are you? You have a season pass, live within an hour of your home resort (or have a vacation home there), ski over 30 days a season, and simply cannot wait to immerse your new family member in ski culture. In fact, you’ve probably been bringing them to the mountain since they were born.

Tools that help: A harness with a handle. A hula hoop. A snowboard with a pull string like Burton’s riglet. A snuggly one-piece and warm helmet and mittens. A hardcore love for ski culture. Patience. Treats. Always treats. 

Ski this winter
Three-year-olds can get serious about skiing for a hot second.

The Three-Year-Old

What to expect: Stability improves with age, and at three, your kiddo will feel a little more comfortable balancing on skis or a snowboard. If you choose to start now, you may still encounter some of the two-year-old habits at first, but they should be faster to taking instruction and staying upright. You can probably start letting them navigate down the slope, using guides (straps attached to skis or a harness) for more control. An edgie-wedgie can be used to help them develop a strong edge for speed control. Most resorts start also offering lessons at this age, which indicates it’s a good age to start considering your approach. One of the biggest hurdles of this age could simply be bathroom breaks. Layers of clothes, plus cold temps and newly trained kiddos, can lead to accidents quickly. Don’t forget the all-important pee checks before bundling up.

Who are you? An avid mountain goer, ready for the little one to learn the ropes. If you aren’t a regular with a season pass, you’re comfortable shelling out some cash to kick off this family winter tradition, but also understand you should set low expectations. You also either feel comfortable teaching your child yourself or have the means to start lessons, whether private family lessons or group lessons. If you’re enrolling in group lessons, you know your child is comfortable with new friends, unfamiliar experiences, and taking instruction from someone else.

Tools that help: Private lessons. Harness (still with a handle), adding straps. Edgie-wedgie. Cozy layers and easy-access snow pants for bathroom breaks. Patience, of course. Treats for trails – M&M’s on the trail for them to ski and pick up.

family on ski lift
When are kids ready to ride the ski lift? Our rule was as soon as you can control your speed, or at four years old, as was the case.

The Four or Five-Year-Old

What to expect: Four or five is the sweet spot for getting kids on snow. While starting them earlier will certainly speed up their cold weather comfort levels, this age range is a great time to get started. By four or five, most kids have pretty good control of their bodies, can take instruction, and have more tolerance for discomfort. You can expect them to get comfortable on skis or snowboard faster and pick up instructions from parents or instructors better. They’ll be able to move from the magic carpet to the beginner lift faster and vocalize their needs with real words instead of tears or tantrums. All in all, the time and money spent getting them on snow will result in solid learning experiences and fun family memories.

Who are you? You’ve hesitated to invest the time and money in starting your kiddos at a younger age, as you’ve had other priorities have taken the front seat. Not uncommon! But the kids are ready to delve into mountain life with you, and you’re ready to devote family resources and weekends or vacation time to making it happen.

Tools that help: Seasonal rentals. Lessons. Fun yet practical cold weather gear. Snacks are still, and always, king.

Ski Deals for kids
Five isn’t only a sweet spot for learning to ski or snowboard. It’s also an age when you can expect more friends to join you!


If you’re considering when to start your child, here are a few takeaways:

  • Earlier isn’t always better unless you have expectations to match the age.
  • If you’re working out a cost/benefit analysis, check out youth ticket costs for Vermont resorts, as most places offer free or discounted tickets for kids five and under. You can find kids’ deals for Vermont resorts here.
  • Lessons are your friend; we’ve tried them at almost every mountain in Vermont. Check out our ski and snowboard lesson reviews.
  • Invest in proper gear, and hand warmers. A cold kiddo is a sad kiddo, so check out these tips for keeping kids warm.
  • Snacks and treats are key. Don’t hit the hill with young kids without a pocket full of M&M’s or fruit gummies for motivation, distraction, or just a rewarding treat.

At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter when your kids start learning to ski or snowboard. People can learn at any age. It’s more important to do what works best for your family and on your own terms. The operation is only as smooth as the facilitator, so check in with yourself to find the right time. No matter when you start, you’re bound to make family memories and start lifelong traditions that will influence your child’s connection with winter and the mountain forever. So give yourself a pat on the back for even thinking about packing a small child into winter gear and asking them to slide on snow. And have yourself a snack. They’re not just for the kids.

two year old on skis
Dash, age two, explores sliding on snow at Bolton Valley.





  • My tip is it is less about equipment as it is about weather and attitude. When your kid is starting..make sure it is a sunny..less windy day..and bring your smile..your snacks ..and a great attitude.

    Have fun..its contagious. I taught mine by going to a bunny hill on a nice day and taking lots of breaks for hot chocolate ..hot dogs..and lodge video games. Make the day a wonderful adventure at low traveled less know mountains with great bunny areas and no walking.

    You fun will be there fun and before long they will be waking you up for first tracks.

    • I totally agree about the weather. The snacks are a plus too. The point is to have fun. Encourage the love of the whole adventure. Worked for us. Our two were both around four when they started. Sunny March days.

  • I waited until my boys expressed interest in skiing themselves, ages 7 and 10. By then they could also carry most of their own gear and could communicate their needs pretty well. This led to many fun family ski trips. My son’s are young adults now and they ski when they can; both expert skiers. I’m happy when we get to ski together these days.

    • It really depends on your kids but keep it fun is good advice. Age appropriate lessons are good, too. And, then, just let them ski at whatever level they are at, kind of a mix of challenging but not too much. Really meet them at their level, not what you want or think it should be. They will progress.

  • I waited to sign my kids up for ski lessons until they were 5 and 7. They picked it up quickly and are darn good skiers now. I enjoyed being able to drop them off for lessons, they could help with gear, and i could send them along with snacks in their pockets for when they were hangry. I think a lot of folks start their kiddos younger, and i’m sure that’s fine too! I just wanted to be hands off with the whole thing and I think these ages were fine for our family!!

  • Well… from my part, they started at 3 years old. I just introduced them to ski and for the year after, they had group lessons. it was difficult to separate the parent-child relationship from the coach-child relationship. The best solution for us was group classes!

    • I started my kids skiing when my son was 2 years old and my daughter was 4 years old. It worked out well because she was slower with her motor development and he was extremely coordinated. They both had the cognitive abilities to absorb the information that was given to them by instructors. We started with small group lessons and mixed those in with some private lessons to work on any problems. They both took to skiing really well, even tho my daughter eventually needed to take adaptive lessons (also excellently taught) due to a muscle disorder that she was diagnosed with. Before we even took them skiing, we had purchased tiny skis, which they both started out on as young toddlers, just sliding around in our driveway. They learned to love snow as much as their parents do!!

  • This breakdown is pretty close to our exact experience. I think when to start with kids is very dependent on the strength and skill of the parent and the individual kid’s interest and tolerance for cold. We started each of our 3 kids, now ages 10, 8, & 5, at 2 with a backpack harness, and they all loved it, but it’s very physically demanding on the adult. My spouse did a lot of carrying littles down the slopes when they wore out before we were at the lodge. I would not have been physically strong enough to manage it, nor am I as strong a skier as he is, but I’m so glad we instilled a love of the cold outdoors young. If I didn’t have a partner who could carry a wiped out kid down the hill, I would opt to wait to start until age 5 when you are a lot less likely to need to do so.

  • oh great tips!!! My KIDS however learned well before mom…They were taken by their school who kids taught them in the school ski program. Just a few years ago I decided if my kids are learning I should also, its never too late! I was 44 when I first learned how. I am not great, but love being there doing something with my kids. This year we couldn’t afford the ski pass so would love to win tickets to spend a day with them. They love telling mommy how to ski yelling “keep your hands out in front”, do the “pizza” haha its is always a laugh and a blast.

  • I’m a board mamma, and have only went straight to boards for all my children. My oldest, now 13, was raised on-resort since 2yo because I worked in the ski industry! THAT’S the sweet spot for sure! Even if you work a regular job, picking up a resort gig works wonders for building your drive, expanding your “ski family” and access to the goods, and making even short moments on the mountain affordable (ie a half hour for a 2 year old after work lol!). I’m now a single mom of 3, but the past two winters I’ve earned their turns! I’ve been able to not just play on boards at home but to get the toddlers a handful of days on the carpets thanks to used or hand-me-down gear, a sturdy Jeep brand wagon to haul everything, a huge SUV as our personal lodge doesn’t hurt, and lots of motivation for knowing a lifetime of shared experience on the “big mountain” as they call it, is ahead!!

  • Skiing is an amazing exercise toward independence for children and parents. There are broader implications around life skills from safety, risk management, understanding your abilities and limitations, to trust and letting go.
    Beyond creating memories and a fun pastime, this past winter break at Jay had me reflecting on how cool it was to have our 9, 11, and 14yo have fun on the mountain on their terms. Our 11 year would head out to the terrain park with two friends for the day, and we were confident that he was safe, and had the foresight and freedom to head back for a break when he needed to. Our 14yo went out cruising with her friends. Our 9yo bounced around between the kids and adults, and they all had a blast. It makes me happy for their futures and their own relationship to the mountains and skiing.

  • Let your child take the lead on what they are ready to do and when, and keep it fun! My first born was ready to go, excited about the sport, and was whizzing around the mountain at age 3. My second child hated every minute of it, was constantly complaining, but finally embraced the sport at age 6. She now anticipates every winter weekend. Don’t get discouraged. Your child will learn when they are ready.

  • I have found when the kids get frustrated, pick an easy line and just have them follow you. That way they aren’t struggling to find the right spot to turn and then tend to relax a little more. Just make sure you are going slow enough so they are close enough to see your next turn. I found it worked well especially when you are bringing kids who are a little more experienced on a tougher trail.

  • After teaching three kids to ski, I’d say between 3-4 is the best time to teach. They have to want to be out there and I found with my kids, by three they were so excited to be out trying to ski! I was always a big fan of group lessons for the kids, definitely helps learning from someone else!

  • 2-3 years old is a good place to start because they are fearless! Doesn’t have to be at a big resort… a bunny hill will do or even the back yard!

  • Thanks for the tips and tricks! We started our son at age 5, and now he’s rocking solid blue runs as a 7 year old. The harness with a handle is so necessary, even after training with the leash it helps load and hold onto the kid on the chair lift. Also have a change of clothes in the car/bag just in case.

  • We have a 2 and 5 year old – we started inside: bringing out the heat, letting them trying on the boots, laughing while they clomp around happily making all kids of noise! (This is all about 10 minutes of excitement and then it’s time to distractedly move on.) We also have them watch videos of other kids learning to ski and ride. Then we go outside on the small hill and try on gear again, only for that short 10 minutes or so. Lastly we make a morning of it, getting ready, heading to the mountain and doing it all over again. If at any point there’s tears or frustration, we pause, change gears (whether it’s snack or a sled ride) and try again. If no one’s happy, we just head home and try again next weekend!

    So far it seems to work.

    I would also say lessons are good, if you find an engaged instructor who really knows how to teach kids. (It can be hit or miss, and I am not citing specifics to any particular mountain.)

    We just want them to enjoy skiing and riding as much as we do!

  • We taught our kids very early on but each at a different age. Our eldest started skiing around the age of eight years old and is very good at it now. Our next daughter started out around the age of five as a snowboarder and is an excellent boarder now. Our youngest one, well, we had skies on her since she was two years old ????

    But realistically I think the best age is somewhere between four to six years old. Our youngest daughter who is now six years old just switched over to snowboarding. We got her three half-day lessons and now she is off on her own and has picked it up in no time.

  • My brother and I both had started ski lessons at age 5&9 years old. This was a great age because we both had no fears and we’re molded into fearless skiers. For years my father worked at a ski area as a mechanic and we skied almost every day during ski season. This was the best and we still ski today in our 50’s. Starting younger is a great start in the right direction!

  • I totally agree that five years old is really the sweet spot. Starting with a lesson at Cochran’s is a really affordable and enjoyable experience. Be super mindful of adverse weather (cold), pack lots of hand and toe warmers, and be willing to take way more breaks than you normally would. Try to find a partner family/friend to join you. Kids are way less likely to complain when they have a peer with them. This early investment will pay off in the long run!

  • My tip for the real young beginner is to have a harness and start in the backyard. Assuming you have snow find a flat spot that you can groom with a shovel and broom. Reverse the harness and pull the child slowly like you would with a sled keeping your eyes on their balance factor to gauge the speed. Place some large character toys in the snow as motivation destinations and also obstacles. Plan on keeping feedback to a minimum. Select only one skill at a time and make sure to laugh and roll around in the snow with expected falls. Keep the total time on skis to under 30 minutes unless the child is saying more. As balance improves you can groom slight inclines and bumps into the terrain. Make food color faces on the bumps for fun. Fun should be the goal and if the child is whining time to take a break and revisit later.

  • This is awesome – My best tip is pick the right mountain,
    we were going to a bigger mountain and they never took my boys up the lift, and I didn’t want to do that – then we went to smaller mountain and they really learned so much there and took the lift it was great learning experience for them both, check out and what how mountain and instructors work… I am so glad my boys are into it – I didn’t learn to older and not very good – my younger son started snowboarder and on his own switched to skiing, I think its great to know both.

    Have a great year and thanks

  • We started both girls at age 3. More less they just went across the bunny hill to a parent, we turned them around and sent the across the other way where the other parent would again catch them and turn them around. My older one took lessons once or twice a year and picked it up quickly. She’s 15 and can hit pretty much all the groomers on a mountain. My younger one didn’t want lessons, actually refused them, and so we went with back pack straps approach. This was good and bad. She was able to hang out with the older girls because I could control how fast she went. FYI as a snowboarder this was super easy for me even with her on skis. Now at age 8 she’s not as good as her older sister was but holds her own on easier blues but still makes me nervous. I will also point out that convenience of the backpack to pick her up off the ground was crippling as she still needs a ton of help getting up if she falls.

  • When I was teaching my son how to ski at the age of 3, I received a lot of affirmations and questions like, “ how do you teach a 3 year old to ski?” I always responded that I wasn’t teaching him how to ski, just how to be outside in ski equipment. This held true the following year when he was already comfortable with the gear and ready to shred. It also helped that we let him wear his skunk costume with LOTS of warm layers underneath. He was pretty proud to be the only skiing skunk!

  • The correct answer is – as soon as they can stand. “If you don’t do it today you’ll be 1 year older when you do” ( famous ski moviemaker)

    • I introduced my son when he was 8. It took him until the next season to be able to grasp any technique other than straight lining! Between lessons and my extraordinarily patient husband, he has now surpassed every expectation. 14 and competing with his high school and local events. My tips are don’t force them, understand what it means to “hit the wall,” make sure they are hydrated (we actually have a pre-lift ritual) and load your pockets with snacks. You don’t want a hungry kid and have to wait on a huge line for a snack.
      This should be fun, not a chore. There will be good and bad days!

  • My kids started learning around age 7, which was great! They also convinced my husband and I to learn how to ski so we could all go as a family. Without them asking us to learn, I am not sure we would have tried it! For us, the biggest tip we have is finding a spot where we all feel comfortable and challenged a bit! Keeps everyone happy!

  • You have a whole lifetime to teach a kids to love skiing, you can teach them to hate it in one day. Always keep it fun and when they are done, stop. Don’t push for one more run, sometimes it’s more about hot chocolate and French fries then sliding on snow.

  • We took our son to a very tiny mountain on a Friday afternoon in late March when he was 4.5 — we didn’t have any real plans and just kind of helped him get used to the bunny slope and the magic carpet. From there, we made plans for him to do ski school with a friend at 5.5, and now at 6.5 he is on the chair lift and skiing on the greens. I’m so glad we didn’t push him!

  • We are big fans of ski school over here so that mom and dad can ski while child is having a great time with friends their age!

  • Please, please stop shoving the sharp tip of ski poles in little skiers’ faces. If anything, turn the pole around and offer the handle. With that out of the way, once they were on skis, as a twist to the “penny in the boot tongue” trick to engage ankle flex and encourage body alignment, I put a Skittle there. Picture some dad reminding his boys to “Hold the lunch tray!”, “French fries!” and “Squish the Skittles!”. We still ski together, but now we keep the candy in a ziplock baggie.

  • I have 3 girls, we taught the first 2 at age 6 and 4. My youngest is now 4 and the goal is to get her up this season. She’s a little more reluctant. Time for a pocket full of gummy worms!

  • We started ours at 7 & 10. It was the perfect time for my 7-year-old son, but a little late for my daughter. He caught onto snowboarding really fast and now, at almost 18, goes out west to ride chutes and couloirs (my nerves can’t take it sometimes, lol). My daughter is a cautious skier at 20 and still likes to stick with her mom on the mountain (which I’m totally okay with!). When they were learning, we definitely put them in as many all day lesson camps that we could afford! It’s better (at least is was for us), to have the professionals take care of things. I only ever had one lesson when I was 15 (to my detriment), so I know it’s important to reinforce skills over and over when they are learning. I may never break out of the advanced intermediate phase. It’s really cute to see the very little ones on the mountain, but for us it was better to wait until my kids had more control of their own bodies.

  • I really appreciate this post- we have done a little intro skiing but not as much as we intended to do. This post makes me feel much better about that, and hopefully we can make this a great learning season!

  • Good comments, and with my kids I really just followed their lead.
    My eldest started around 5 and really learned well in a ski school while the younger played in the kiddie club. When she was ready (again 5-ish) she just wanted to ride the ski lift ???? So that was her reward !! Ski down then fun on the lift ???? When they started boarding, they then taught me ????

  • We first took our daughter at 3, it was truly a play in the snow in ski gear day, they focused on getting dressed, equipment on and then one ski and just kept adding as the day went on, after our day of skiing I was able to take her up the magic carpet and get one run out of her and she was happy! So we do a couple more of those group days. We missed that for the next 2 years because of Covid and no offerings but we still got her out there. She did great last year, and we can’t wait to see what February vacation looks like this year at age 7, which I think is the true sweet spot to “learn” with some prior experience just being out there. It’s the age I also learned.

  • We started at 2.5, and our first ski season was all about getting comfy in the equipment and balancing. We had zero expectations for actually going down the slope. Our little spent a lot of time just learning to get around in boots, and then navigating snow and skis. It wasn’t the most exciting season for us, but it has set us up to have a great time skiing together now that our little skier is 6. We found a local mountain that had $5 magic carpet tickets. I didn’t even put my skis on. Instead we stayed on the carpet with me walking up and down, and practiced over and over and over. My pockets were filled with treats and we took lots of breaks. It was the best start to our girl’s ski career, but know that to ski with a little you have to meet them where they are at and be ready to go slow.

  • We got our children at ages 4, 6, and 8 on skis at the same time during a week at Okemo years ago. The 6 and 8 year olds took to it quickly. Our young four year old had a harder time. Mentally she was just into it, though she did learn how to get on a lift with help and was able to ski under control but mostly with the pizza wedge. She got better each subsequent year.
    As we could only ski a handful of times per year, starting a bit later in age made more sense for us.

  • Our motto has always been to make it fun for them. Vermont winters can be long if you don’t have something to do outdoors that you enjoy. We started our kids on skis as soon as they could walk, but we never made them go beyond what they wanted. We always packed snacks, took lots of breaks and broke our backs until they were doing it on their own. Now they are independent 7 and 9 year old skiers who enjoy being on the mountain. The biggest key to keeping them on the mountain now is time with friends and outdoor gear that keeps them warm!

  • the best beginning in skiing is doing it together..dad and/or mom and your son or daughter..make your first few skiing experiences short and fun with a treat afterward. and always show interest in what the child was taught if she/he takes lessons at a ski area.

  • I started my kids when they were 2 and 6 years old. They both took to it like ducks to water. One of the biggest challenges was hauling gear. As they get older they can help, but when they’re really young it means you’re hauling all of your, and their gear.

  • I started both my girls in half day ski school at 4 years old- they loved it and it eased them into skiing. Best thing I did!

  • First, totally agree that the trail treats were our #1 thing that made my kiddos get through the frustrating learning stages. Mostly, as a former ski instructor, I did lots of tromping up and down the learners area at 3 & 4, then backward skiing (which I chose instead of a harness so my sons could feel when they were getting out of control, but this definitely was more difficult than a harness would have been) at 4 & 5.

    Short-ish mountain days, making it about the whole experience (lodge fun- being on a budget we always brought lunch but did get hot cocoa- people watching, goofing around), and not pushing them too far beyond their comfort zones have been key to building a lasting enjoyment of skiing. Now they’re 10 & 11 and we all ski at the same pace down the blues at MRG. :)

  • This article really hits all the key takeaways. With patience, good weather and treats you can make it fun for all. Just remember, even though you love the sport, your child may not. And that is ok!

  • The first few times may only last and hour. It has to be fun or they will hate it and never want to come back. Keep it fun and short and plenty of waffles and hot chocolate!

  • We started at 3, just a few days on actually slopes and rest in backyard. We started with snowboarding. By 5, they were rippers. We used backpack with straps to keep them like puppets and work on balance and heel side first. Ski schools were the best, have parent time and they listen better to anyone but us, like school. Smuggs was one of the best and Mt Snow for us.

  • A bit of advice from a veteran parent: for your first time, pick a day that is sunny and warm. You want the experience to be fun so that they want to go skiing again and again! This is a lifelong winter activity, so your long term goal is for all family members to ski together for many more years. Take lots of breaks to go inside and warm up. My one son skied until lunchtime for a hamburger and a few more hours in the afternoon for French fries. Don’t expect to ski the entire day. Little bodies have limited endurance, so they may only last a few fun filled hours. Choose a ski area that is inexpensive as you will only be using the bunny hill for awhile. A magic carpet is a big help. Tip connectors or Edgie Wedgies are very good for maintaining a pizza wedge and preventing skis from crossing themselves. If you plan to teach your children yourself, a racer chaser harness with tether is ideal until they find their center point of balance. Definitely invest in lessons as well as it forces the kiddos to become confident in all types of terrain.

  • My 3 kids started at 3yo. Let them learn on the bunny slopes even if they want to go big.
    Keep it fun and when they are cold and want a break for hot chocolate, make it happen.
    No poles until about 7yo. Use fun terms like
    Pizza wedge.

  • my tip is never ever buy new equipment for your kids. there are always hand me downs and ski swaps, especially if you live anywhere near the mountains

  • I started my son at 5 years old, in kindergarten. I could not teach him myself so enrolled him in an after-school ski program, which I volunteered to coordinate. The weekly short sessions of a couple of hours at the local ski hill meant he didn’t get too tired or cold, and he had fun learning with his school friends. We supplemented the after-school with some 1/2 day kids’ group lessons on weekends that first year at another nearby mountain. The instructors kept it fun and snack breaks helped! For several years after, he was in development team lessons and then joined a race team at our local mountain, with which he still skis. My son is a skilled skier and loves the sport.

  • Kids can learn to ski at any age. it depends on the kids and the parents. The most important is that they have a positive experience on snow. The older they are the easier it is for them to use their muscles and understand how to do things like turn on your edges. Some kids that are very young may cry the whole time. That is not ideal. If the parents enjoy being outside and have warm clothes the kids will appreciate it too.

  • I believe that once kiddos start to show an interest in the sport, it’s go time! Getting gear out and exploring how it feels is a great way to start. Having fun is the most important piece!

  • I Started Justin 40 years ago in my backpack on the Quechee Ski Hill at 20 months old and then at 22 months he did his own skiing at Pico. Last weekend Justin skinned up Quechee with his almost one year old daughter Maya. Start them when they ready — it’s up to the parent to recognize when a kid is realistically ready to learn to ski.

  • The best age I believe is 4yrs old. Our daughters took group lessons at
    Stratton mtn. and they loved the other kids in class and they all had the best time. That is important, as you want them to love the sport as much as you do. We asked around as who was giving the kids lessons and the instructors at Stratton were kid friendly ????????

  • Family circumstances often dictate when kids start skiing. Our kids are 2 years apart. The older one started at 3. The younger one started at 2 because his brother was skiing! ????

  • My youngest was about 8 when we started skiing so I don’t have experience with young ones. Listening to them and following their lead is best. Take breaks when they need, snack constantly. Hot chocolate to warm up. Typical kid stuff but it makes it even more special.

    She started with snow boarding and loved/ hated it. She was so excited but even after several lessons she wasn’t “getting” it. It was totally killing her love of the sport. We finally convinced to her try skis and she was up and gone within mins. She didn’t even need more lessons to get on the lifts and hit the green and even blue trail greens.

  • I taught my 3 kids at three years old, despite being 7 when I learned to ski. No fear whatsoever! Just don’t try it when it’s super cold or wet out. Where we live, we lack blacktop to learn on, so they were 7 by the time they mastered the bicycle….

  • Your goal should be for your kiddo to leave the mountain (or hill, or short backyard incline) excited about coming back next time. Keep it positive and fun, keep your pockets filled with special treats, and be willing to quit while you’re ahead. : )

  • We started all of our girls at around age 3 with the expectation to just have fun! They are now ages 8-16 and all love to ski and are great skiers! Luckily our local school does mid week winter skiing once a week for 5 weeks in 1-8 grades which also gives them a great foundation!

  • Skiing is always more fun when you are dressed for the conditions. Having comfortable and warm gear will make skiing more fun for the whole family.

  • My view is that this is about fun. One of my kids started at five the other one at three because he was jealous! With the three-year-old though, I made sure to take lots of breaks, and when he got grumpy to listen. Because, using the harness requires a lot of energy and putting skis on after falling can be tedious, so if the kids aren’t having fun, it will really drain you quickly! Having hot drinks and snacks at the ready on breaks and making sure that we are watching other people having fun on the mountain or a key. Also, I I spread the lessons in between my lessons with him, and we both were happier! But I found with skiing was that it was the first sport where I was able to ski at a level that was comfortable and fun for me and my kid was having fun too! That didn’t happen with any other sports, like tennis or soccer or running, kids pick up skiing so quickly and are able to participate alongside do that. It really makes a lot of fun for everyone!

  • I started my kids at ages 4 and 6. It’s best to begin on a day with good weather when it’s not too cold or icy. Skiing with them at their pace is important, but I recommend mixing some lessons in with parental skiing guidance. Having fun is a must and remember, not all kids will love it as much as mom!

  • We started our kids at age 3.5. My son initially really struggled at 3.5 so we tried to use a harness to help him stay up; this minimally helped the one time we used it, but then he was able to have the confidence to just dig in and soon was skiing on the bunny hill just fine! Once he got down and felt really good about himself, he was more willing to take greater risks and before we knew it, was skiing just fine. My daughter has still not developed the confidence we hope she’ll eventually have so it’s a work in progress!

  • We had a major snowstorm when our daughter was 6, so I built her a “ski slope” for her to try skiing on a set of kid skis and boots a friend gave us after his son grew out of them. She loved it. We are fans of ski school and enrolled her on our next visit to the local ski area. She caught on pretty quickly and was soon having a great time with “friends” her age.

  • Are you desperate to get your kid’s attention and spend some real family time that will leave them with memories to treasure forever? The answer is simple. Put down those electronics, take the phone and gaming systems, and replace them with skis or snowboards. Take your whole family on a ski vacation that will keep them busy while having loads of fun. It’s a great memory-making family event that will be far better than having their nose stuck to an electronic screen while the world and time passes them by. Just go on a ski vacation; problem solved … at least for the week.

  • Getting you kiddos out early and young is best. Will you be riding all day from top to bottom? No. But eventually you will and it will be great! We have 3 kids and it was a trade off type deal while raising little shredders. We got them out on a board at an early age to get comfortable with the gear and the idea of snowboarding. My husband and I both snowboard and know some get little ones on skis to start because it’s just easier for them to learn, but we wanted them to snowboard so it was short periods of time on the snow, pushing, pulling, cheering and bribing with snacks. Eventually, each year it got better and better. The next kid started sooner and the next even sooner. The days of riding with little ones were tiring, but now riding all of the mountain as a whole family is great! Now, onto the tween and teen years…

  • Two newish skiers ages 8 and 10. But I love how determined they are. My son learned at age 4 but they had to relearn at 10. Definitely different each time but fun to watch them be persistent

  • Wishing until next year to start at 3 and 5 hopefully hitting a sweet spot! Thanks for putting together all this material it’s amazing!

  • We started both when they were in their twos, and to this day they only eat SKI-ttles on the mountain (21 and 17)

  • Snowboarders here, but the best age is whatever moment YOU as the parent have the mental capacity, physical strength, and emotional patience to begin the process and to support them with love and compassion along the way! There’s absolutely nothing more to it! 🏂🥰

  • Can’t wait to get my kids skiing! Love the ideas and appreciate this post! I’m working on gathering all the equipment for next season for my three and one-year-olds.

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